The exclusive source for state-wide football scores & standings


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Please Note: Minor differences from their original rating will exist for some teams in these ratings.  These ratings were re-run after various minor tweaks to the ratings process that we discovered were necessary to make from the time period of 2004-2007.  Please click here for more information on the tweaks.


IMPORTANT NOTE: For info on how exactly the ratings are determined, please see the ratings page at power ratings online.  If after reading that, you still want to vent in an email to us, feel free- but please understand that we simply can not possibly respond to every "our school should be rated higher than so-and-so" type email.

SCHOOLS: Select the group of schools you want to view. You can choose all schools ("state"), an individual section (North Coast, Southern, etc.), or a size of school.

TYPE: Select whether you want to use 11 man or 8 man teams. 11 man can be further broken down into public and private, if desired.

GROUP BY: Select whether you want schools to be grouped together by division, league, etc., or rather to be shown as one list ("all").  Select "leagues" to see league strengths.  IMPORTANT NOTE: League ratings are provided solely because they can be interesting to see; they are NOT a factor in the ratings in any way...rather merely an average of the ratings of the teams in the league.  Teams are judged individually in order to create their rating; the league they are in is not a factor.

SORT BY: Select the order you want schools to be listed in. The default is by rating, but you can also choose schedule strength, record, section record, etc.

SPAN: Select whether to count all games played, or to discount playoff games ("reg season").

MARGINS: Select whether to use margin of victory as a factor in the ratings. For more information on this, please see the margins page at power ratings online.  Choose "projections" to see the ratings we use to project game scores.  They are essentially the with-margins ratings, except that recent results are weighted more heavily and the "politically correct" moderately-low cutoff point at which margin of victory is no longer counted is eliminated.  Also, early in the season, ratings from the previous season are factored in.

SHOW: Select how many schools you want to see listed. Top 10, top 25, all schools, etc.

SCORES: Select whether or not you want the season list of scores to be shown beneath each team. "Good wins" (wins against a higher-rated opponent) are shown in blue; "bad losses" (losses to a lower-rated opponent) are shown in red.  Games against non-California opponents are a factor in the ratings as long as the out-of-state team has played at least one other game against California teams.  Failing that, there is no data to use as a basis for comparison.  Games that do not affect rating/schedule strength are shown in gray.


-Teams with less than 3 results are not rated.
-Ratings listed here are rounded to the nearest tenth of a point, but teams are placed in order according to their exact rating.
-In order to maintain the integrity of our ratings, post-game (administrative/ineligible player) forfeits are recognized in win-loss records only. They do not affect the ratings of the teams involved. The only other type of forfeit we recognize are those involving league games after the league season has started (for standings fairness/balance). WE DO NOT award forfeits for cancelled games. Please do not contact us to try to convince us to give your team a win in these situations. Thank you for your understanding.
-Sizes are determined using 10th-12th grade CBED numbers. 2002 breakdowns, chosen so as to place 20% of the schools into each size, are as follows:

11 man:
Size 1- 1989 and above
Size 2- 1592-1988
Size 3- 1152-1591
Size 4- 561-1151
Size 5- 560 and below

8 man:
Large- 78 and above
Small- 77 and below