2014 GAMES WANTED To get your needed games added, notify us. Also, please remember to tell us when you've filled the open date, so that we can take it down. Note: week numbers are in state context; Week 1 is September 5th/6th in 2014. Note: No need to send us section, league and division info. We have that; those columns are automatically filled with the info we have in our system for your team. | ||||||
School | Section | League | Division | Week(s) | Level(s) | Contact/Comments |
Ayala [Ruben S.] (Chino Hills, CA) | Southern | Sierra | Inland (II) | 1-4 | head coach Randy Reams randy_reams@chino.k12.ca.us; looking for road game in 2014 | |
Gardena (CA) | Los Angeles | Marine | I | 0-2,4,5 | head coach Deon Toliver 562-972-5236 toliverleon@yahoo.com | |
Hamilton (Anza, CA) | Southern | Arrowhead | Northeast (XIII) | 3 | V | head coach Keith Moorman 951-763-1865ext207 |
Lassen (Susanville, CA) | Northern | Northern | II | 4,5 | athletic director Greg Dickerson 530-249-2156 greg.dickerson@lassenhigh.org; two-year contract | |
Morningside (Inglewood, CA) | Southern | Ocean | Western (IV) | 0,2-4 | head coach Derwin Henderson 323-810-0782; looking for home game in 2014; two-year contract | |
Piner (Santa Rosa, CA) | North Coast | Sonoma County | 4 | 3 | V/JV | head coach John Antonio 707-236-2745 pinerfootball@rocketmail.com; looking for Saturday home games at 12/2pm |
Roosevelt [Theodore] (Los Angeles, CA) | Los Angeles | Eastern | I | 2,3 | V/JV/F | head coach Javier Cid 213-359-1774 coachcid@hotmail.com |
Sacred Heart Prep (Atherton, CA) | Central Coast | Peninsula - Bay | 1 | defensive coordinator Mark Modeste mmodeste@shschools.org; need at least one home game | ||
Tustin (CA) | Southern | Empire | Southwest (VI) | 0-4 | head coach Winter Welz wwelz@tustin.k12.ca.us | |
Woodland Poly (Woodland, CA) | Sac-Joaquin | Freelance Non | 4-6,8-10 | V | head coach Joe Daniels joe@Woodlandpoly.org; have no field, will travel | |
Section games wanted page links: Los Angeles Northern North Coast Sac-Joaquin San Francisco Central Coast Central Southern San Diego |